Other Types of Caps

Dummy Group


Ranganathan and Gready78 does not call this method the “dummy group” method, but in referring to 78, Liu et al.64 do so (I make no claim that Liu et al.64 coined the term either).

In the context of QM/MM method development, Ranganathan and Gready78 noted that one usually breaks carbon-carbon bonds between \(sp^3\) hybridized carbons. Letting \(X\) be the carbon which is in the fragment, and \(Y\) be the carbon not in the fragment, the dummy-group approach replaces \(Y\) not with a single hydrogen atom, but with a methyl group. While not explicitly considered in Ranganathan and Gready78, the presumed generalization is that \(Y\) is replaced by the monovalent functional group \(YH_{n-1}\) where \(n\) is the valency of \(Y\) in the supersystem.