H Capping

Simple Replacement

The simplest possible capping scheme. When a bond between an atom \(X\) and an atom \(Y\) is severed such that \(X\) is in the fragment \(F\), but \(Y\) is not. This capping scheme adds a hydrogen atom to \(F\) at the location of \(Y\).

Standard Distance

This capping scheme is a slight variation on Simple Replacement. Given a bond between an atom \(X\) and an atom \(Y\) which has been severed such that \(X\) is in the fragment \(F\), but \(Y\) is not, this capping scheme adds a hydrogen atom to \(F\) such that the \(X\)-H bond length corresponds to the length of a “typical \(X\)-H bond”. In general the location of the cap will NOT be the location of \(Y\).

In the context of MTA this capping scheme is first described by Babu and Gadre1. A more detailed description is given later by Rahalkar et al.77. To our knowledge, the exact values of the standard bond length is not given.

DCLC Capping Method

Li and Li57 introduced a capping method which is a slight variation on the Standard Distance method. If we are breaking an \(X\)-\(Y\) bond, the \(X\)-H bond distance is set to the average of any existing \(X\)-H bonds (e.g., if we are capping a carbon which is part of a CH2 group, you average the two existing C-H bonds). If there are no other \(X\)-H bonds the DCLC capping method falls back to Standard Distance.

One of the somewhat unique features of DCLC is that it allows for severing non-standard bonds (e.g. multiple bonds, or bonds on charged species). To accomplish this, DCLC actually includes two more steps beyond placing the original H caps. First, one adds or removes additional hydrogens to \(X\) in order to satisfy the valency of \(X\) (adding is needed when severing a multiple bond, whereas removing is needed when \(X\) is positively charged). Second, a constrained geometry optimization is performed (only the caps can move) to obtain the final positions. N.B. the geometry optimizaton is only performed if the origninal \(X\)-H capping was insufficient.

Li and Li57 provided the standard distances of 1.07, 1.00, and 0.96 \(\AA\) for C-H, N-H, and O-H bonds respectively.

Weighted Distance

As part of the SMF method Deev and Collins11 introduced a capping method. Say we are breaking a bond \(X-Y\) and that \(X\) is in the fragment, then a hydrogen atom is placed at the point \(\mathbf{r}_H\) given by:

\[\mathbf{r}_H = \mathbf{r}_X + c\left(\mathbf{r}_Y - \mathbf{r}_X\right),\]

where \(\mathbf{r}_X\) is the position of \(X\), \(\mathbf{r}_Y\) is the position of \(Y\), and \(c\) is the ratio of a normal \(X-H\) bond to a normal \(X-Y\) bond.