Designing GhostFragment’s FragmentedNuclei Driver

What is the FragmentedNuclei Driver?

The FragmentedNuclei driver is responsible for dividing the nuclei of a molecular system into fragments. The resulting fragments will then be further processed by the FragmentedMolecule driver.

FragmentedNuclei Driver Considerations

Hierarchy base

The FragmentedNuclei driver is assumed to be the base driver of the FragmentedNuclei, FragmentedMolecule, and FragmentedSystem hierarchy.


As the base of the hierarchy, the FragmentedNuclei driver’s first task is to determine the set of pseudoatom(s) s which will be used to form fragments.


The majority of fragmentation algorithms need not just a set of pseudoatoms, but also the connectivity of those pseudoatoms.


The FragmentedNuclei driver is envisioned as being the piece which needs to vary the most among existing fragment methods. Many existing fragment- based methods differ only in how the initial fragments are formed.

Chemical system input

While it may seem logical to take a Nuclei object as the input, by taking a ChemicalSystem we open up the possibility for the FragmentedNuclei driver to use additional information to choose the Nuclei sets. For example, using the charge could be helpful for assigning connectivity, and for prescreening fragments based on energetic contributions.

  • Put another way, the FragmentedNuclei chosen by the driver need to be representative of the system being fragmented. This requires the driver to have knowledge of the entire system, not just the nuclei.

  • Since a ChemicalSystem contains a Nuclei object, drivers which do not need additional information are free to ignore the extra state.


From the perspective of the rest of GhostFragment, there is no difference between an n-mer and a fragment. In order to encapsultate the detail of whether GhostFragment is dealing with n-mers vs. fragments we want the FragmentedNuclei driver to have the same API as the n-mer driver.

FragmentedNuclei Driver Design


Fig. 7 The architecture of the FragmentedNuclei Driver.

Fig. 7 shows the main pieces of the FragmentedNuclei driver. Following from consideration Pseudoatoms, the first step is the creation of “pseudoatoms” by the Atomizer component. As suggested by Fig. 7, the Atomizer actually satisfies the same property type as the driver, which in turn allows the pseudoatoms to be used as bona fide fragments. Regardless of exactly how the pseudoatoms are chosen, the Atomizer ultimately defines the smallest units for the fragmentation algorithm.

With the pseduoatoms established, the next consideration is Connectivity, i.e., determining which pseudoatoms are bonded to eachother. The pseudoatoms plus the connectivity establishes a molecular graph. It is this moleculer graph which is ultimately decomposed by the Fragmenter module. The Fragmenter module is responsible for addressing the Generality consideration; in particular it is the Fragmenter module which will usually be substituted out to change how fragments are formed.