SMF Screening Method

SMF Screening 05

SMF as introduced by Deev and Collins11 can be thought of as a one-body GMBE. In turn, there are interactions which are neglected by this expansion. Letting \(\mathbb{F}\) be the set of fragments used for the one-body expansion. “cite:t:Deev2005 suggest creating an auxiliary set of fragments \(\mathbb{F}'\), such that if \(f_i\) and \(f_j\) are disjoint fragments in \(\mathbb{F}'\), then their union, \(f_{ij}\), must not appear in any fragment in \(\mathbb{F}\). Given such an \(\mathbb{F}'\), then subtracting the energies of \(f_i\) and \(f_j\) from the energy of \(f_{ij}\) yields a two-body correction.

In their arcticle Deev and Collins11 specifically stated that \(\mathbb{F}'\) should be created by editing the fragments which result from a level one SMF Fragmentation 05 fragmentation method. The editing process is what ensures the fragments in \(\mathbb{F}'\) are disjoint and that their union does not appear in \(\mathbb{F}\). The exact editing process appears to be somewhat ad hoc.