Writing a Tutorial

less than 1 minute read

This tutorial walks you through writing a tutorial for the website (I know pretty meta).


Tutorials are written in GitHub flavored markdown and live in the docs/_tutorials directory (path is relative to the root of this git repo).

Front Matter

Tutorials minimally need to contain YAML front matter that looks like:

title: Name of Your Tutorial

For example this tutorial starts with:

title: Writing a Tutorial

If you’re not Ryan then you should add an author profile to _data/authors.yml and make sure you set the tutorial author like:

title: Name of Your Tutorial
author: name_for_your_profile

The default author of all site content is Ryan. So if you don’t take ownership of your tutorial then Ryan gets credit.

Ensuring Jekyll Finds the Tutorial

If you followed the tutorial so far, simply adding a new markdown file to the docs/_tutorials directory is sufficient for Jekyll to pick it up (after the site has been regenerated of course). If you are hosting the site locally, then everytime you save your tutorial the local copy of the website should update with your changes.
